4- List the SLO(s) you are assessing in this particular instance:
We are assessing SLO # 2 which
states: the student will be able to use workbooks, spreadsheets and charts
Below are the CAOT 101A SLO’s
1. Create and edit word
2. Use workbooks, spreadsheets
and charts
3. Create presentations and
slide shows
4. Query databases
5. Manage email, contact lists
and calendars
Below are the Program SLO's
Program SLO 1:
Demonstrate proficiency at
creating an Excel worksheet, using the sum function, and formatting and
inserting a chart.
Program SLO 2:
Organize, store, retrieve, and
maintain electronic files across various system platforms.
Program SLO 3:
Master basic concepts, such as
converting MS Office Documents into user-friendly file formats, for use with
other collaborative software platforms
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