3- Dialogue about the Course SLOs

3- If you have had any dialogue about the Course SLOs amongst faculty who teach this course, please describe it here (leave blank if there has been no specific dialogue):

Two instructors teach CAOT 101A currently: Elisa Webb and Rick Arellano. The instructors meet at least once a month to discuss issues such as course SLOs, program review, assessment and other program and course-related matters.

Course assessment presentation before SLOA committee

Please view instructors’ dialog

The CAOT department meets with its Advisory Board at least once a year. The Board provides useful input

Please view CAOT Advisory Committee Board 2011 Agenda

Please view CAOT Advisory Committee Board 2011 Minutes

Please view CAOT Advisory Committee Board 2011 Survey

The instructors administer the same assessment exam; this SLO assessment is included in the final exam

1 comment:

  1. Rick A. and I met again on April 3 to discuss the data about the SLO assessment for CAOT-101A. We talked about doing research on e-Books for our class and how using an online textbook might help students with school expenditures. Both of us realize that every semester we lose at least a couple of students who cannot afford the publisher's price for books. We decided that we'll research some online publishers within the next month to see what is available.
    --E. Webb
